Famous Detective Movies That Everyone Should See Once

Famous Detective Movies That Everyone Should See Once

Possessing attractive content, ingenious details and attractive characters with extraordinary intelligence, the detecti...

Possessing attractive content, ingenious details and attractive characters with extraordinary intelligence, the detective topic has never cooled down and continuously conquered audiences of all ages on both television and electric fronts image.

Let's take a look at the cult detective works and explore the black-white, good-evil world with a breathtaking film circuit through these cult films.

Sherlock Holmes

Talking about the subject of detective, not a movie or bookworm can ignore the world's greatest detective coming out of the book of writer Arthur Conan Doyle. Up to the latest work Enola Holmes about Sherlock Holmes's sister, produced by Netflix, released in 2020, "the legend of every detective" has been misty more than 20 times to be re-enacted on film as both primary and secondary.


Wits match between two rivals Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty. In 2009, Sherlock Holmes grossed $ 524 million with a budget of only 90 million filmmaking. Part two Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows released in 2011 is also extremely popular.

Along with that is the TV series Sherlock with the participation of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman also received special attention from the film-loving community. Instead of the 19th Century as the original, the TV series produced by BBC and released in 2010 takes place in the modern era when smartphones, the Internet and digital cameras are everywhere.


The film is appreciated in terms of "brainpower investment" with a series of thrilling cases, the creativity of the technology era. The male lead Benedict Cumberbatch's acting as a somewhat eccentric intelligent detective was also particularly praised by the crowd.

Hercule Poirot

The series about detective Hercule Poirot by the female novelist Agatha Christie is also considered one of the famous detective series with widespread influence. From 1920 to 1997, Agatha Christie produced 33 novels and 54 detective short stories around the eccentric Belgian private detective, Hercule Poirot.


With such names as Kenneth Branagh, Johnny Depp, Judi Dench, Michelle Pfeiffer ... under the direction of the director, also the male lead Kenneth Branagh successfully conquered the audience and brought a feeling of suspense and surprise when the secret curtain gradually revealed.

Detective Conan

Adapted from the cult manga that has never ended, for the past 24 years, Detective Conan has owned a huge fan base around the world. The story begins with high school detective Kudo Shinichi during an investigation who was forced to drink poison by the Black Organization, causing his body to shrink and live as a boy Edogawa Conan.


Conan was accepted by Mori Ran - his girlfriend when he was Kudo Shinichi and lived with his father's detective office, Mori Kogoro. Throughout the series, Conan silently assisted Mr. Mori in solving a series of cases, while gradually discovering the truth of the Black Organization.

As of September 2020, Conan has released more than 980 television episodes and 23 movies. The next movie, titled Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet, is set in the Tokyo Olympics, centered around the Akai family and the complicated relationship. with the Black Organization slated to be released in April 2021.

Zombie Mansion

Another representative from the Land of Cherry Blossom is equally impressed not to mention the living corpse Palace.

An adaptation of the detective novel Shijinso no Satsujin by writer Masahiro Imamura, The Immortal Mansion revolves around the story of Kyosuke Akechi (Tomoya Nakamura) - a college student, private detective and also fan of the novel. detective. He joins the detective club of the university led by Kyosuke Akechi (Tomoya Nakamura) as president.

One day, the same school girl Hiruko Kenzaki (Minami Hamabe) - also an aspiring private detective appeared in front of them. Hiruko suggested the two boys join a summer camp and stay at the mountain mansion called Shijinso.
