"The Raid 3" Plot Details Revealed by Director Gareth Evans

  • HANA
After The Raid and The Raid 2 absolutely annihilated action fans in the freaking face, we all waited with bated breath...

After The Raid and The Raid 2 absolutely annihilated action fans in the freaking face, we all waited with bated breath for a third. And thus far… none has come out.

But while appearing on a recent podcast for Empire, director Gareth Evans detailed what would happen in a potential The Raid 3. Better find something to hold onto, I don’t want your freaking face to get annihilated again.

The first two films star Iko Uwais as Rama, our hard-fighting hero, desperate to clobber his way through horrific criminal syndicates for personal reasons. It would stand to reason that he’d star in the third, right? Wrong. As it turns out, Evans’ scripted final line for Uwais in The Raid 2 (A simple “I’m done”) was prophetic, because Evans just couldn’t believe that character coming back for more.

The Raid 3 instead? Evans is interested in expanding the Asian criminal underground even further, building on a tantalizing glimpse of something seen briefly in The Raid 2. We’ll let the filmmaker pitch the entire friggin’ movie himself.

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