Spenser Confidential, a comedy, action film produced by Netflix, revolves around a policeman named Spenser (Mark Wahlber...
Spenser Confidential, a comedy, action film produced by
Netflix, revolves around a policeman named Spenser (Mark Wahlberg), a man with an aggressive temperament and had to go to jail for 5 years because he beat his boss (with the "good" reason). After his sentence, Spenser returned to the outside world and temporarily lived at the home of Henry, an old man who was considered his mentor and teacher. Sharing the room with him is Hawk (Winston Duke), a tall guy also helped Henry. Suddenly a "bloody" case involving the former boss of Spenser and another policeman dragged him and reluctantly, Hawk into this vicious cycle of crime.
Spenser Confidential belongs to the noir film genre (black film), and like the hero characters of films of this genre, Spenser is a guy isolated from society. The film is about the process of Spenser getting out of prison and having to learn to adapt to a new life outside the prison, from rebuilding relationships, looking for a new job, even having to learn the arts. technology terms like the "cloud". However, the film did not delve into the psychological character of Spenser's character during the adaptation process, but instead focused more on investigating the film's main case.
Spenser had to team up with Hawk, someone as aggressive as him to find a way to solve the case. The relationship of two people was built with the progress from two strangers, until Spenser taught Hawk boxing and eventually their partners. The film gives a good reason for Spenser to get involved in the case, although he no longer has any involvement in the police profession and intends to leave Boston to move to Arizona as a truck driver. However, unlike Spenser, the reason for Hawk's involvement in the case did not feel natural, not yet clearly constructed and developed, aside from saying that his father was a hero and did not mind that sacrifice yourself.
The film has a good arrangement, making viewers curious about the case that took place in the film. However, the investigative scenes in the movie are quite fast. The film also uses dialogue to retell the episodes quite a lot, making viewers unable to keep up with the clues of the case. In the end, Spenser Confidential is less surprising, no longer about investigating the case and finding out the truth, but just familiar scenes of fighting and shooting.
Despite being a crime drama investigating the case, Spenser Confidential is surprised to own many funny situations, such as the Mark Wahlberg segment chased by a dog and tattered pants. But following the humor is dramatic and even more violent episodes when Spenser has flashbacks of the past in black and white tones to recall details related to the case. The image of the merciless killer with a gray tone makes the viewer feel suffocated and irritable, and if you pay close attention, these segments gradually come to an end, showing the progress of psychology of Spenser's character, from a guy who only knows how to punch people to vent anger into a calmer one.
Mark Wahlberg's acting has nothing to complain, nor anything to praise when this type of character feels quite familiar to him. Winston Duke doesn't have much acting ground to show his abilities. However, the interaction between Mark and Winston as the grumpy, hot-tempered Spenser and Hawk always makes viewers laugh, and it proves that Mark Wahlberg often performs better when there is a comedic antagonist. with him, as with Will Ferrell in The Other Guys or with Anthony Mackie and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in Pain & Gain.
There is a humorous comparison in Spenser Confidential when Spenser's ex-girlfriend describes him, Hawk and old Henry as the trio of Batman, Robin and Alfred playing Gotham detective. Indeed, the film attracted the most viewers when it focused on the process of investigating the case, but the ending of the case really did not feel satisfactory with the crimes that viewers had to witness throughout. movie.