Park Seo Joon Chosen As New Muse Of Calvin Klein Jeans

  • NYLE
Actor Park Seo Joon has been selected as the new muse - advertising model for global lifestyle brand 'Calvin Klein Jeans'.

Global lifestyle brand 'Calvin Klein Jeans' announced on March 19 that they have selected Park Seo Joon as a new model to brighten up this spring and summer.

Calvin Klein Jeans said, "Park Seo Joon has established himself as a top star with a lot of domestic and foreign fans through solid films, dramas, and entertainment shows. In particular, Park Seo Joon's warm fashion sense is well recognized in the fashion industry."

Park Seo Joon plans to show his free and fashionable atmosphere, which has not been captured on the screen, with his minimal and simple design through attractive Calvin Klein jeans.

In the pictorial released along with the news of the selection, Park Seo Joon attracts attention by showing off his warm appearance wearing a neat logo T-shirt and jeans.

Additional photos of Park Seo Joon for Calvin Klein Jeans will be released sequentially.

Meanwhile, the products Calvin Klein Jeans and Calvin Klein Jeans Accessories worn by Park Seo Joon in the pictorial can be found at Calvin Klein Jeans stores and on the website nationwide.

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