Netflix has confirmed to air its travel variety show 'Twogether' on June 26th and unveiled the main poster. Two...
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Netflix has confirmed to air its travel variety show 'Twogether' on June 26th and unveiled the main poster.
Two stars of the same age but different languages, Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu, will present the travel variety, in which they travel all over Asia to meet fans. The main poster of 'Twogether' features a selfie filled with the actors' excitement ahead of the trip. The visuals of the two Asian stars, whose bright smiles are just like each other, make viewers look forward to the chemistry between them during the journey.
The Netflix's original series will follow Seung Gi and Jasper through six cities - Indonesia's Yokja Carta and Bali, Thailand's Bangkok and Chiang Mai, and Nepal's Pokara and Kathmandu. The two will travel to places recommended by the fans themselves, and when they complete the mission, they will go to the places where the fans await. The friendship between Lee Seung Gi, a master of entertainment shows, and Jasper Liu, a beginner, is promise to capture the hearts of viewers as they gather clues after passing bizarre missions presented by the production team.
'Twogether' is created by Company SangSang, an entertainment production company that created SBS's 'Family Outing', 'Running Man', Netflix's 'Busted!' and 'Park Na Rae: Glamour Warning'.