Throwback To The Most Emotional Moment At EXO ExplOration Dot. in Seoul This Day Last Year

  • NOON
At EXO ExplOration Dot. holding at the New Year Eve day last year, EXO and EXO-L have laughed and cried together...

EXO presented for the third time in its concert series in Seoul, South Korea, called EXplOrationDot, were unforgettable moments along with the presentations.

On December 31st last year, EXO's last concert 'EXplOration[dot]' was held at the KSPO Dome in Seoul. At the end of the concert, EXO members stood in front of their fans and shared their thoughts about wrapping up the concert. 

After some songs and interactions with the fans, Chanyeol presented his companions with a gift, a moving video that was transmitted on the giant screens, where a series of images of the members from before their debut, during and until now.

Chanyeol uploaded the video he created for the group’s December 31 “EXO PLANET #5 – EXplOration [dot] –” concert in Seoul. He also included clips of him making it in the studio.

“I want to surprise my members on the last day of the concert,” he explained. “I’ve made a video of our memories and also wrote a letter, and I’ll show it to the members at the end of the concert. To be honest, I want to make them cry.”

For the video, the letter was put over clips of the group’s precious memories that go back to their debut days. Read it below:

To my members who I’ve been together with for half my life and will be with my whole life, you’re my flowers and my wings,
and the time I’ve spent with you since 2008 has been dazzling beyond words.
I can still vividly recall the first time I came to the company and introduced myself in front of everyone.
I think it’s rare to have even a single person to share memories with over such a long time.
I can’t put into words how reassured and proud I am to have 8 family members to share these unforgettable memories with.
I wonder if you guys remember every single moment too, just like I do?
Lately I keep being reminded of our old days when we were always together.
I like being with people and I get lonely easily.
When I do something alone that we did together, I miss my members a lot.
What is real happiness for us?
I think that our real happiness is that we can laugh and talk, even after a long time has passed.
Thank you to my members for working hard without ever stopping until 2019.
Let’s keep being people who can hug each other when we’re having a hard time.
Minseok, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Sehun. I love you so much.
December 31, 2019.
We are one. EXO let’s love.

The emotions of the fans did not wait, but the ones that surprised were the reactions of the boys, Chanyeol said:

“My flower and wing, the members, with whom I spend half of my life, and I will spend the rest. The time that has passed since 2008 was dazzling to the point that I cannot express it in words.”

Shortly after each of the members said a few words to the fans and colleagues, the whole atmosphere was very emotional, moments full of feelings...

However, when seeing through pictures of this very moment, it's noticeable that the two of them are extremely different when it comes to crying despite being the same age. 

The youngest, Sehun could be seen trying to hold in his tears for most of the time, reddening his eyes in the process but never did he pour it all out. 

“Suho hyung is an excellent leader, seriously. You can see it by noticing how our members cry, isn’t it? You can see how good the hyung leader is.”

Then Sehun put the microphone in his mouth and exclaimed:

“What was I saying? Anyway, I will be brief … I just wanted to say that you are the best leader for me. You are the best hyung.”

On the other hand, the older of the two, Kai simply just let it all out. While watching the video, Kai was seen holding back his tears. To stop Kai from crying, the members made jokes for him. 

Leader Suho then took his turn. Suho delivered warm words to each member. When he called Kai's name, Kai was annoyed that he was too sad. He said, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Suho continued, "Kai is really sexy, manly, tough, chic on stage, but he's the most emotional member. Kai is younger than me, but this year I got a lot of advice from him. I was having a hard time, but Kai said a lot of good things, so... Thank you."

However, Kai's crying was so cute that hashtag #뿌엥 종인 (#CryingJongin) reached #3 in the Korean Twitter's trending topics list. 


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