5 suggestions for a good pose for street style photography

  • HANA
For girls who love taking photos and street style, follow the pose below. 5 suggestions for a good pose photography....
For girls who love taking photos and street style, follow the pose below. 5 suggestions for a good pose photography. Pose A: Create a pose to make the legs as wide as the shoulders then take one leg as a pole and the other slightly tip up. This is a fairly simple pose that anyone can follow. Pose B: Still basically the same as the B pose, the B shape will fit when you wear dynamic sets such as T-shirts and jeans. Pose H: If you take a group photo, you can refer to this pose. With a sportswear set, this is a great pose. Pose P: Pose your legs (maybe a little tiptoe) and touch your hands on your head - this P-shaped pose is pretty easy to learn too. F pose: With the position of many steps, this F shape will give you a trendy photo with long legs.
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