Park Min Young excites with MBTI results

Park Min Young excites with MBTI results

Recently, Park Min Young said, "I don't believe in MBTI, but I tried it. I don't believe in MBTI, but I give it a go",...

Recently, Park Min Young said, "I don't believe in MBTI, but I tried it. I don't believe in MBTI, but I give it a go", on her YouTube channel. The video had 240,000 views and draw a lot of attention.


Park Min Young said, "I'm not really interested in blood types, constellations, and personality types. I know everything if I know Pisces, Type O, Year of the Tiger, and Type of Personality. So I'll see what type of person I am".

The first question is, 'It's difficult to introduce yourself to others.' The actress answered embarrassedly, "Me?" and said hello very freely. The next is, 'I tend to think about ignoring or forgetting my surroundings.'

>>>See more: Park Min Young Confesses Unrequited Love With Acting On COSMOPOLITAN Magazine


She thought for a moment and said, "I think I have a lot of consciousness around me. If the other party does not respond quickly to the email, he or she begins to worry about whether he or she made a mistake". "I am very worried."

Park Min Young was lost in thought for quite a long time when asked, "I often control my emotions rather than control them". Eventually, she said, "Sometimes I do."


When asked, "If a friend is sad about something, he or she often provides mental support rather than offering a way to deal with the problem," the actress said, "I think this is right. Because I'm so sad, but when someone comes in and you say it's sadder because you didn't do it, it makes me feel worse".
