Jennie Begs To Leave Her Personal Instagram Account Alone

Jennie Begs To Leave Her Personal Instagram Account Alone

Jennie begged hackers to leave her alone.

Jennie's account @lesyeuxdenini is a space where she communicates with her fans, posting photos of the other BLACKPINK members, of art that she's enjoying, and of everyday things that she finds charming. However, she hasn't updated in a while, and it's been revealed that it was because she had been hacked.

In a recent story, she wrote, "Took almost 2 months to get this acc back. Please leave my personal space alone." It looks like a hacker stole the account and claimed it for their own, rendering it unusable for Jennie.

Hopefully, it'll stay with her now that she got it back.

A Reddit user express her/his opinion

Respect idol's personal space and leave Jennie alone PLEASE!!!

If people have so much spare money laying around why don't they just use it to buy albums for their faves (kpop/pop/whatever genre they like) instead of throwing away the money to trouble idols they don't like. Like why the hell do they even comeup with such shitty things.

This is the first time I've seen Jennie begging for people to respect her privacy. Someone paid an Instagram hacker to hack Jennie's personal photography acc. That hacker even had posted on stories when he was hacking her acc and now Jennie confirmed that her acc hacked rumors were true and it took her 2 months to get her account back. She even asked people to stop Which probably means that person tried to do it again. Just why do people think it's fine to invade idols personal space like that just whyyyy!?!?

Jennie opened that account on Blackpink's third anniversary as a gift to blinks, she prepared for months before making that account public. She is the most private member of blackpink and doesn't even like speaking about herself in public which is one of the main reasons why Jennie never talks about herself in interviews or shows it's always either about blackpink or the members. For her to post it on her story she must be so done and tired of all this.

She even had to disable the comment section of that account permanently because akgaes decided to camp under it throwing Jennie hate parties. The sad part is that none of the people who trouble the pinks so much would stop because they all know they can get away with pulling off such stunts scratch free. Just wth is yge doing why can't they even protect their artists :/

Some comments from

- You guys, if it's gone to the point where she has to beg people to not hack her account then it's serious. people seriously need to respect others' privacy, stuff like this seriously d.i.s.g.u.s.t.s me.

- Let her breath!!! Respect her and her privacy!

- Really she doesn't get enough shit already so now some dumbass has to hack her Instagram account what a douche.

- Omg for a second I thought it was her private private account and my heart dropped... Of course this sucks but I am still glad it's one of her public accounts...

- Many shameless person can't mind their own business, does this feel them good??!
