Yulhee Shares A Sweet Update On Newborn Twins

  • HANA
Yulhee shared how her newborn twins are doing! Yulhee and FTISLAND member Minhwan’s twin girls were born...

Yulhee shared how her newborn twins are doing! Yulhee and FTISLAND member Minhwan’s twin girls were born on February 11.

The couple previously revealed them on the reality show “Mr. House Husband.” On March 31, Yulhee chatted with fans via a live broadcast on Instagram and shared an update on their daughters.

When a fan asked if the twins have double eyelids, Yulhee replied, “The twins do have double eyelids, but they’ve put on weight so they can’t be seen right now.” She added that the girls had been born at a healthy weight considering that they’re twins.

It’s so great to hear the sound of newborn babies in our home for the first time in a while,” she commented.

When asked about how long the twins sleep, she said, “They sleep about four hours lately. At most they sleep five hours.” She explained that their son Jaeyul had taken about 50 days to get past this stage of little sleep.

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