Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung And Kang Tae Oh Joking With Each Other At Behind The Scenes Of “Run On”

  • MUN
JTBC’s “Run On” takes viewers to the pool with a new behind-the-scenes look at this drama!

Run On” is a drama that tells the story of people trying to connect with each other in their own languages after having lived in different worlds and at different paces. Im Siwan plays the role of Ki Sun Kyum, a former track and field athlete who retires after a life-changing event and becomes a sports agent. Shin Se Kyung co-stars as Oh Mi Joo, an adventurous foreign film translator.

Sooyoung plays the role of Seo Dan Ah, an ambitious sports agency CEO who believes the only way to fail is to not try anything at all. Kang Tae Oh plays the role of Lee Young Hwa, a popular art student who is handsome, kind, and charming.

The video gives viewers a closer look at the unusual first meeting between Sooyoung’s and Kang Tae Oh’s characters. Sooyoung watches with interest while Kang Tae Oh stares into the swimming pool, planning out how he will fall into the water. Sooyoung teases Kang Tae Oh after he makes a wrong start, but soon he falls into the pool with a spectacular splash attach applause from the surrounding staff. When he climbs out of the water, Sooyoung asks, “It feels good, right?” and Kang Tae Oh responds by playfully rolling back into the pool.

Next up, Kang Tae Oh must dive down to the bottom of the pool to get a bracelet, but he has a difficult time locating it. Sooyoung claps in amusement when Kang Tae Oh comes up for air and gasps, “I can’t find it, it’s too hard!” The pair show off their highly acting skills as they continue the next scene, and as soon as they finish, Sooyoung checks Kang Tae Oh to find out is he ok or not.

Kang Tae Oh then dons a robe for the following scene. Sooyoung praises the color of the robe, saying that it was very suitable for him well as if it were made just for him. She stays in a good sense of humor as she talks to the staff about her character’s broken bracelet, saying, “It’s a shame since it cost 10 million won (approximately $9,100).” After she falls into character and acts upset about the bracelet, Kang Tae Oh attempts to appease her by making hearts with his fingers, but she just looks away in mock disgust.

As they prepare to film, Kang Tae Oh jokes around by trying to make his hair wet again by putting his head into the pool, which surprises Sooyoung. Throughout the scene, Sooyoung continues to use all of her strength to fix the broken bracelet. Finally, she hands the bracelet to Kang Tae Oh, whose eyes widen when he accidentally drops it in the middle of the take. The video comes to an end as they film the scene once more time and Sooyoung comes over to pat Kang Tae Oh’s on his back to congratulate him.

You can watch the full video behind the scene below!

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