The Academy Award for Best Animated Feature was officially launched in 2002. Over the past 17 years, only 6 non-Disney...
Walt Disney's animated films have been extremely familiar to many generations, but looking back at a critical point of...
Nickelodeon is rebooting 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' for the big screen with Point Grey Pictures’ Seth Rogen, Evan G...
Nickelodeon is starting to develop an animated series for preschool children based on the popular song 'Baby Shark (doo...
Netflix and Pearl Studio have revealed the first trailer for 'Over The Moon', an upcoming film that reanimate a classic...
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 2 has started its production at Sony Pictures Animation, as lead animator Nick Kondo...
Director Josh Cooley has been confirmed to work with writers Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari for the new animated 'Tr...