Jun So Min To Return “Running Man” In Preview For Next Week

Jun So Min To Return “Running Man” In Preview For Next Week

Jun So Min will be back in next week ’s episode of “Running Man!” Previously, Jun So Min took a hiatus from “Running...

Jun So Min will be back in next week ’s episode of “Running Man!”

Previously, Jun So Min took a hiatus from “Running Man,” as well as her other activities, due to health and fatigue concerns.

In the preview, Jun So Min has a joyful reunion with the rest of the “Running Man” cast next week. The cast members compliment her on her healthy appearance, while Jun So Min jokes, “It feels like I’m looking at celebrities now.”


As part of next week’s mission, Jun So Min introduces the members to her “golden village,” where jewels are buried in various places. This setup turns out to be too good to be true, however, as members start to mysteriously disappear.

This episode of “Running Man” will air on May 31.

