Lee Seung Gi & Jasper Liu travel Twogether to visit fans' homes in new Netflix original series teaser. The...
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Lee Seung Gi & Jasper Liu travel Twogether to visit fans' homes in new Netflix original series teaser.
The long-awaited new Netflix original K-reality series Twogether, starring Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu, is coming very soon this month!
The upcoming new reality which will premiere all over the world on June 26 through Netflix, will appeal to fans all across Asia as Korean actor Lee Seung Gi meets Taiwanese actor/model Jasper Liu. The two stars have been tasked with traveling to some of the most-visited travel sites throughout Asia together, on a mission to find their beloved fans at their very own homes.
The great chemistry between variety-show-expert Lee Seung Gi and variety-show-newbie Jasper Liu is expected in the main teaser for Netflix 'Twogether'.