Gugudan’s Kim Sejeong reveals her home and smart financial habits

  • HANA
gugudan’s Kim Sejeong gave fans a peek of her everyday life on “Home Alone” (“I Live Alone”)! On the March 13 episode, K...
gugudan’s Kim Sejeong gave fans a peek of her everyday life on “Home Alone” (“I Live Alone”)! On the March 13 episode, Kim Sejeong began. “It’s been three months since I moved out of the dorm and started living alone.” Kian 84 joked, “Don’t idols usually live in dorms? Did you guys fight?” and she replied, “We didn’t fight. Not at all. The footage showed Kim Sejeong waking up and drinking a bottle of water as soon as she got up. She explained, “I saw about 30 to 40 different places in order to find a studio apartment with a living room. I then came across this place, which had a built-in closet and refrigerator. She then opened the door to the utility room and another apartment door from where two dogs came out and walked into her home. The members asked, “Is this Sejeong’s building? You earned a lot of money.” The gugudan member replied, “The apartment next door belongs to my manager. She called the realtor because she liked it so much and moved in since it happened to be empty. When my manager is busy, I look after her dogs. Kim Sejeong said the three things she can make are make kimchi stew, soybean paste stew, and fermented soybean paste stew. For breakfast, she boiled some crispy rice crust in an earthen bowl and finished off the meal with some strawberries.
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