Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans to star in $200 million blockbuster

Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans to star in $200 million blockbuster

I have Ryan Gosling, I have Chris Evans. Bang! A $200 million blockbuster will blow off your screen (and heart!)....

I have Ryan Gosling, I have Chris Evans. Bang! A $200 million blockbuster will blow off your screen (and heart!).


The combination of these two Hollywood dream men may bring out the explosion in box office, as they will be starred in new movie together "The Gray Man".

According to Deadline, Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans have agreed to appear in a new project of the brother-directors Joe and Anthony Russo. AGBO company - which is under the management of Russo will be in charge of the movie.


Joe Russo will corporate with his two colleagues, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely - who he had worked as scriptwriters for Avengers: Endgame.

The movie is based on a bestselling novel with the same name written by American author Mark Greaney. The main plots tell about a former CIA agent Court Gentry (played by Gosling), who has to become a professional assassin for money. He then got aggressive chase by his old fellow at CIA Lloyd Hansen (played by Evans).


The brother-directors shared that the original script has something in common with the Bourne franchise, and expected to create a new cinema brand about the character that Ryan Gosling plays.


During the interview with Deadline, Joe shared his ambition to make a whole new movie universe and the crew would put their best into this project. He would be grateful if they could be in capable of making further parts.

Ryan Gosling, born in 1980, is a Canadian actor. He shot to fame and officially become the female "muse" for romantic, love-story movies, especially after his act in The Notebook, La La Land, Crazy Stupid Love, Blade Runner 2049.


While, Chris Evans, born in 1981 was popular when he starred in Fantastic Four and rose as a Hollywood star for his role as Captain America in the Marvel universe. Recently, he has joined in some projects like Knives Out, Defending Jacob series, and received huge applause by the critics.


Chris used to work with the Russo brothers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Endgame...
